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Public Charity Organization

Providing solutions that enhance the implementation of human rights framework to ensure a better approach to mental health treatment and to support the fundamental needs of children and marginalized populations.

Promoting and raising awareness on human rights and mental health through research,education and supporting services.
Our Story
Navigator UA is a public charity organization dedicated to serving people during challenging times.
Our organization was established in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and we are committed to making a difference through fundraising and impactful initiatives. At Navigator UA, we firmly believe in taking immediate action to raise public awareness about the war against sovereignty and freedom. Our team works tirelessly to provide essential humanitarian aid to those in need, ensuring that innocent lives are saved and supported. We Understand the urgency of the situation and are driven by the belief that together, we are stronger.
Learn more

Navigator UA was established in response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

 At Navigator UA we are raising funds and promoting initiatives to serve the Ukrainian people during this hard time. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about the war against sovereignty and freedom of the independent European country. Our team acts immediately to provide humanitarian aid to those in need. Please, join us to support our efforts in saving innocent lives. We are stronger together!

Promoting Mental Health and Well-being is the key

Ways to help
However, our mission extends beyond the immediate crisis. Navigator UA is also focused on promoting and raising awareness of human rights and mental health. Through extensive research, education, and supporting services, we aim to bring about positive change and enhance the global response to these critical issues.
Discover valuable information and practical strategies to safeguard the mental well-being of our youngergeneration. Explore a comprehensive collection of resources and aids focused on fostering socialconnections, supporting others, engaging in community initiatives, and much more. Access these valuable assets for you and your loved ones.
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Join Us in Building a Compassionate and Resilient Future

By joining us and supporting our efforts, you become an integral part of our mission. Together,we can make a lasting impact and empower individuals, families, and communities to overcome the challenges they face. At Navigator UA, we are dedicated to building a better future, one filled with compassion, resilience, and unwavering support for those in need.
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